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Effective marketing actions with AI
We want to be a pioneer of event and marketing agencies that invests in the opportunities created by artificial intelligence. In October 2024, we bought the business operations of Unie, a pioneer in AI for events. This acquisition expands our capabilities to create unprecedented, engaging, and results-driven marketing actions for our clients like never before.
Lataamo’s marketing actions combine events, marketing communications, and the possibilities of modern technology.
Action, not just words
At Lataamo, we believe that creativity without impact is like shouting in an empty room. Artificial intelligence opens new doors for us to create something entirely unprecedented – products and services that meet our clients' needs and deliver results.
Technical capability
We deliver what we promise
Our technical expertise, the possibilities of artificial intelligence and our ability to innovate create the basis for what we do. We have the tools, the skill, and the team to turn the “impossible” into possible.
understanding regulations
We do it right
The use of artificial intelligence continuously presents us with new challenges, including regulatory ones. We ensure that every campaign and solution we implement is not only creative and effective but also legally compliant.
Lataamo konseptoi ja tuotti Kauppakeskus Citycenterille tekoälytaidenäyttelyn, jossa kaikki sisältö on luotu tekoälyn avulla – jopa taiteilija itse. Taidenäyttely herätteli Helsingin keskustassa kulkevia kohtaamaan ajankohtaisia teemoja modernin sisällöntuotannon ja luovuuden keinoin.
Sanoma Media Finland B2B:n vuoden tärkein asiakastapahtuma Sanoma Get Tomorrow kutsui markkinointimaailman päättäjät ajankohtaisten teemojen ääreen, Lataamon toteuttamana. 1950-luvun kampusmaailma näkyi niin tapahtumapaikassa kuin tekoälyn avulla toteutetussa tapahtumavisuaalisuudessakin.
Artificial intelligence services
We have ready-made artificial intelligence products for events. In addition, we offer customized solutions for various needs - only your imagination is the limit.
An engaging and inspiring start to the event.
We collect views from the participants in advance, for example, about the event about themes. Based on them, artificial intelligence produces an impressive video that connects the thoughts of the participants, which is shown at the beginning of the event.
Real-time visualization of the audience's thoughts.
The participants always tell via QR code and/or a short web address what they remembered most from the last presentation. Artificial intelligence visualizes the feedback in real time on the media wall. Pictures and answers will be delivered to the customer after the event.
Summary of the event as an impressive video.
Artificial intelligence transcribes the recordings of the event and produces a summary of them, spoken with background music of narrative and appropriate visualization. The video can be shown, for example, during the evening program and/or delivered to the participants after the event.
Personal WOW experiences.
The participant can take a picture of themself in the photobooth, after which the artificial intelligence edits the picture to suit the theme of the event, for example. The edited images are displayed on the available media surfaces in almost real time. You can also order the picture to your own e-mail or, upon agreement, print it with the on-site printer. Pictures can also be produced from selfies taken with the participants' own mobile phones.
We make versatile use of artificial intelligence and new technology.
With it, we can enrich events and marketing communications and create an endless variety of individual content and solutions, always tailored to the situation.
Do you want to hear more? Ask from Oskari Liimatainen!
Do you want to hear more? Ask from Oskari Liimatainen!